The thalamus
represents the most rostral part of the diencephalon. It is
composed of two large ovoid gray masses separated by the
third ventricle but generally connected by a narrow
commissural structure, the interthalamic adhesion (Figs-1,2
and 3). The thalamus is separated from the
hypothalamus below by a narrow depression in the lateral
wall of the third ventricle, the hypothalamic sulcus. It is
bounded laterally by the internal capsule and anteriorly by
the head of the caudate nucleus (Fig-1).
Fig-1 |
Fig-2 |
The thalamus is
certainly a very important relay station in the brain and
undoubtedly an important subcortical integrator as well. All
of the principal sensory paths (except the olfactory system)
send fibers to the thalamic nuclei. In addition, it
receives input from the basal nuclei, the hypothalamus, the
cerebellum, the visual and auditory systems, and most areas
of the cerebral cortex.
The gray matter
of the thalamus is divided internally by a somewhat
myelinated band, the internal medullary lamina, which
opens into a Y at the anterior pole of the thalamus to
effectively demarcate the anterior nucleus (AN) (Fig-3).
Except for the
intralaminar nuclei, the remaining nuclei of the thalamus
are located in three anterior-posterior bands: the
ventrolateral nuclei, the dorsolateral nuclei,
and the medial nuclei. The latter two groups are
separated by the internal medullary lamina. These groups,
and the specific nuclei which compose them, are illustrated
in Fig-3. The various afferent and efferent connections
these nuclei make with the rest of the nervous system are
schematically illustrated in Fig-4. A summary of the
various thalamic nuclei and their connections with other
components of the nervous system is presented here.
Fig-3 |
Fig-4 |
The Anterior Nuclei
These are
located in the most anterior and superior part of the
thalamus bounded by the Y of the internal medullary lamina.
While we of speak of the anterior nucleus (AN) in the
singular, it is actually composed of several nuclei. They
have reciprocal connections with the hypothalamus via the
mammillothalamic fibers as well as with the limbic lobe of
the cortex, particularly the cingulate gyrus.
The Medial Nuclei
The principal
nuclei here are the large dorsomedial nucleus (DM)
and the ventromedial nucleus (VM). The dorsomedial
nucleus has reciprocal connections with the frontal lobe of
the cortex, areas 9, 10, 11, and 12. It also receives input
from the amygdala and orbital regions of the frontal lobe.
It is reciprocally connected with most of the other thalamic
nuclei as well.
The Midline Nuclei
The midline
nuclei receive input from the brain stem reticular
formation. They are also connected with the hypothalamus as
well as the dorsomedial nuclei on both sides via the
interthalamic adhesion. The prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and
orbital region of the frontal lobe also project into these
The Dorsolateral Nuclei
This group includes the lateral dorsal nucleus (LD), the
lateral posterior nucleus (LP), and the pulvinar
(P). The lateral dorsal nucleus is reciprocally related to the
posterior cingulate gyrus, the precuneate region of the inferior parietal lobe, and
the mammillary nuclei. The lateral posterior nucleus receives
input from the medial and lateral geniculate bodies and the
ventral posterior nucleus (VP). It also has extensive
interconnections with the postcentral gyrus of the parietal
lobe, specifically areas 5 and 7 and the precuneus. Likewise,
the pulvinar also receives input from the medial and lateral
geniculate bodies and the ventral posterior nucleus (VP). In
addition, it may also receive direct input from the optic tract.
It has reciprocal connections with the association areas of the
parietal, occipital, and temporal cortexes.
The Ventrolateral Nuclei
This group
includes the ventral anterior nucleus (VA), the ventral lateral
nucleus (VL), and the ventral posterior nuclear complex (VP).
The latter includes the ventral posteriomedial nucleus (VPM) and
the ventral posteriolateral nucleus (VPL). Both the ventral
anterior and ventral lateral nuclei receive input from the
globus pallidus, while the ventral lateral nucleus also receives
input from the cerebellum and the red nucleus. Both nuclei
project to area 6 of the primary motor area (MsI) and to the
secondary motor area (MsII) as well. The ventral lateral nucleus
also projects to area 4 of MsI. The ventral anterior nucleus is
reciprocally related to the caudate nucleus. The ventral
posterior nuclear complex is the principal thalamic receiving
area of the large ascending sensory systems. The VPL receives
somatosensory and proprioceptive input from the medial lemniscus
and the spinothalamic tracts. The VPM receives input from the
trigeminal and gustatory pathways. The principal cortical
projections from the VPM and VPL pass through the posterior limb
of the internal capsule to the primary and secondary
somatosensory areas (SmI and SmII) of the cerebral cortex. SmI
and SmII also project to these nuclei.
The Intralaminar Nuclei
This group includes
centromedian nucleus (CM) and parafascicular
(PF). Both are reciprocally related to the entire neocortex as
well as other thalamic nuclei. Both also receive input from the
spinothalamic tracts and the brainstem reticular formation. In
addition, the globus pallidus and cortical area 4 project to the
centromedian nucleus, while the parafascicular nucleus receives
input from area 6.The Reticular Nucleus of the Thalamus This is a long
curved nucleus which separates the lateral thalamus from the
fibers of the posterior limb of the internal capsule. It
receives input from the entire neocortex, the brain stem
reticular formation, and the globus pallidus. Its output is
primarily directed to other thalamic nuclei, and it is thought
to play an important part in the reticular activating system
associated with wakefulness.
The Medial and Lateral Geniculate Bodies
The caudal
region of the ventral thalamus contains two round swellings, the
medial geniculate body (MG) and the lateral geniculate body
(LG). The former is an important relay center in the conscious
auditory pathway. Fibers project from here to the auditory
cortex of the temporal lobe. The latter is an important relay
and integration center in the conscious visual pathway. It
receives input from optic nerve fibers and projects output
fibers to the visual cortex over the optic radiation. The
pulvinar has also been shown to be neurally connected with the
lateral geniculate body. In summary,
it must be recognized that the list of thalamic connections is
incomplete, as new studies are constantly showing additional
pathways. We can also assume that the thalamic nuclei are
intricately connected to each other, further clouding our
understanding of any clear mechanisms which the thalamus employs
in integrating the information it receives.